Monday, August 18, 2008

First anniversary of my blog , Thanks to all to support me......

On 17th August,2008 when I thought to make a blog and try to give a platform to my writing hunger I never thought that I will make it for one year. But as time flies and I gave the support from my readers, I made it and Now I have decided to take it in a long and long run.

So, This is the First Anniversary of my blog and I want to say thanks to all my readers who really encourage and inspires me to write and write whatever I feel about the things in my surroundings.

But This is a very small leap of my itinerary and I want to take it very long and I need the support and encouragement from all my readers.

I tried to cover all the domains of life and knowledge spectrum in my blog which I felt I have to share with my readers.

Meanwhile I Also want to say " thanks" to my wife who is really supports and encourage me to write in this blog. She is very inspirational source for me.

At the last, I promise to all my readers, I will write more and more articles on my blog which can help you. If any of my article helps you, I will be very acknowledged. I also suggest to all my readers that If you have the ability to write , make your blog and give a platform to your writing thirst.

" This is just a beginining of a long journey, With your support and encouragement We will covered so many milestones."

Keep reading..................... God bless you all with the heavenly blessings which you desereve in this beautiful itinerary of " LIFE"


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