Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tips before enrolling in MBA-Distance / Corrspondence

In today's competitive world, every profesional wants to get an MBA degree. Those who get the opportunity to enrolled in regular programme, they are very lucky but there is a mass who is working and want to pusue the MBA in distance or correspondence mode, they have the right thinking to cope up with the market. As a visiting faculty of an institute where I teach the MBA students who enrolled in Distance program.

But before enrolling in MBA , Following things are to be kept in mind-
1- You are not just doing MBA for attaining a degree but gaining some knolwedge.
2- You have to acquire the knowledge deeply. Luckily the working professional has the exposure of all the functionality so they can understand the syallabus easily.
3- You have to devote time in your study ( Atleast 1 Hour per day)
4- Do not flow in the direction of the wind, Do your SWOT and then go for the specialistion.
5- Co-relate the curriculum with your working experience and add some value to your current profile.
6- Take your MBA course very seriously.

Offcourse , MBA degree will help you a lot in your professional career as well as boost your confidence level.

So, if you are a professional and want to do MBA, You are in a very right direction and do take it very seriously.

Keep reading.......

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