Monday, December 10, 2007

Management is an Art or Science ?

Management is an art or science. It is a big question to management gurus for a long time. But now all agreed that Management is a synergy between these two. Management is the total combination of art and science and varies to type of business. In some business process art is dominating in nature and in some process, science supersede the art.
For an enterprenur , it is necessary to understand the difference between art and science and those who understand the difference , they make a great impact on business and becomes the tycoon in the field.
According to my prospective, management is an art which uses the scientific methods to raise the bar.
You can not excel in business by only sticking into one arena , you have to use both the things simultaneouly. Managing the human asset is an art and control the processess is science.
So, whenever anybody asks this question to you that management is an art or science , say to him, " It is the combination of both."

Keep reading.

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