Saturday, December 29, 2007

Why Few of Indian corporate houses are at par with the International Standard......?

In this era of global village, every company wants their presence all across the globe to explore its spectrum and reach to all people. Many International companies are doing the same i.e PEPSI, Coca cola , Honda , Samsung, Panasonic, Yamaha , Microsoft are few of them.
Why few of our indian compaines are able to mark their presence and others not, In my opinions, underneath are some causes -
Lack of professional approach.
Indian culture and rites which sometimes creates a dilemma situation for an enterpreneur.
Lack of professional qualification and expertise with the owner or top management of the company.
Only concentrating on Indian market, not having a global approach.
In few decades , some Indian companies are making their mark like Tata, Videocon, Reliance , Mittal steel, Infosys , Wipro who are slowly and gradually increasing their base to the world market.
Good luck to all corporate houses and new age indian enterpreneurs, whole world is now your plateform and it is the time to explore your wings , whole world is now ready to accept us.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

How can you emerge as victorious against all Odds- Learn the lesson from Mr. Narendra Bhai Modi?

When Gujrat Assembly election was declared, everybody in India was assuming that it might be the last chance of Mr. Narendra Modi. Situtations are against him and even his own people also opposed him. But when the result of Gujrat assembly declared, he won 117 seats out of 182. A clear majority for him to rule the state for next 5 years.
He proved that if you have charismatic persona and believe in yourself, no body can stop you to win the battle. I have read the quote in a leading newspaper when he replied to a pressman that He was sure that he was coming back before the election.
This is a great lession to any management Guru or thinker that if the situation did not favors you, you can also take the advantage and veer the turn of the wind in favour of you.
Today He has shown his mettle and rites. Good luck , Narendra Bhai Damodar Bhai Modi Ji. His itinerary of life is also wonderful that how can a person change the destined luck?
Good luck and God bless you.
Keep reading ........................

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cricket Mania begins- Boxing day test At MCG- Who will control the nerve? Ricky Ponting or Anil Kumble

Melbourne Cricket Ground ( MCG) is all set to host the 100th Test match between India and Australia.
Now it is Anil Kumble , new indian skipper time to prove himself against all odds. This is the real test for the very talented indian squad to prove themselves in the foreign soil. Indian track record in foreign soil is not very promising and to give a tough fight to australia in australia is really a mammoth task.
Australia tour is always a challenge to any Indian Skipper and now our cool & Intelligent Anil Kumble is on test . Historical data clearly in favour of Australia. In Australia, 32 test match were played between these two countries , India has only able to won 4 test matches in Australia ( Two were won At MCG) . Rahul Dravid is all set to open the innings with Waseem Jafar and Inclusion of inform batsman Yuvraj Singh gives an edge to Indian squad.
Now It is a test match against the consistent Austrialian Kangaroos Versus most promising indian squad.
Wait and watch. Best of luck Mr. Anil Kumble , we all Indian are with you. Chak De! India.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy X-Mas and New year-2008

May Jesus blessed all with heavenly blessing for which we are leading this beautiful journey called Life.

We all are the childrens of the omnipotent and he is our care taker and sees our all deeds with his kind eyes.

God is great and enough kind to give us this life to serve people and humanity in a better way. We all are blessed with this life to do some alloted job in this world's stage and once our task is finished , he absorb us in his great soul.

Happy X-mas and a great, enchanting and succesful new year ahead.
Wish you good luck to all my reader. May God gives you a peaceful, healthy and properous life. Do your best , beleive in GOD and do dare to prove yourself in the world's stage.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Regression & Correlation analysis- A management tool of Decision making

Forecast your business- Utilise the statistical tools of Regression and Co-relation
Forecasting is always feel like making the castle in air but there are two approaches to make possible – Qualitative approach and Quantitative Approach. In First approach, future is predicting in the basis of expertise. DELPHI is one of the method where all the expert opinions abstarcts into one most agreed solutions.
Later technique is more precise and accurate because it used the scientific and mathematical formulae.
Regression and co-relation analysis method is used to do the same where future is predicted on the basis of historical data and predict the future.
In Regression analysis , the whole calculation is revolve around the dependent variable and independent variable.
Little bit confusiing- Let us understand by example.
Marketing expense and Sale target is Independent and dependent variable respectively. Now on the basis of Histroical data of sale and marketing, we can easily draw a straight line i.e Y= a+bx and then we can easily predict that if we expense such amount in marketing activities what will be sales in consieration of contraints.
This is very important tools for management decision making.
Keep reading...................................

Vishnugupt ( Chanakya ) Quotes- A great lesson to management - Personal as well as Professional

Chanakya ( His real name was Vishnu Gupt and also known as Kautilya)was a great mentor of Chandragupt Maurya in 350 BC -275 BC. His father was Acharya Charak was also a great Raj-nitigya( Politics) How he transform an ordinary lad into a great king of India is a remarkable lesson to any corporate house or business . He was a true Indian Politician , strategist and gave some notable quote to get success in any field. He was the Maha- Mantri of Chadragupta governing body. Here are some famous quote of him

1) "A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and Honest people are screwed first."

2)"Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous."

3)"The biggest guru-mantra is: Never share your secrets with anybody. ! It will destroy you."

4)"There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth."

5)"Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, What the results might be and Will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead."

6) "As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it."

7)"The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman."

8) "Once you start a working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest."

9) "The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all direction."

10) "Whores don't live in company of poor men, citizens never support a weak company and birds don't build nests on a tree that doesn't bear fruits."

11) "God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple."

12) "A man is great by deeds, not by birth."

13) "Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness."

14)"Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next five years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend. Your grown up children are your best friends."

15)"Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person."

16) "Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth."

Keep reading and apply these golden rules in life.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Resume writing is an art

Whenever we want to make our resume, we just go through some standard format of resume and try to adopt them. This is a general and common trend but try to do something different with your resume and apply following tips.
Whenever you are making your resume, following things to be taken care-
Write a positive quote in the top of the resume in which do you believe.
Start writing your experience and companies details.
Mention your achievements in the companies.
Then mention your extra curriluar activities
At last , give your personal details.
Tips -
Don't use the words in CV which you don't know.
Read 20 times your CV and grasp all the things in one shot and mesmerise all the things.
Try to do something creative in your CV.
Also make a PPT file for your CV.
Then send your CV to prospective employer.
Keep reading ................

Indian Youth Poem

पतझड़ के मंज़र से कभी दुःखी मत होना,
बहुत जल्द दरख़्तों में पत्ते पड़ने वाले हैं।
नेताओं की हरकतों को पागलपन न समझना,
ये तो अविलम्ब कुत्ते की मौत मरने वाले हैं।
आखिर कब तक उन रिश्तों को बचाकर रखोगे?
जो थोड़ी भी हवा में आकर सड़ने वाले हैं।
शिखर-वार्ता को बॉर्डर की सच्चाई न समझो,
मौका मिलते ही ये सैनिक लड़ने वाले हैं।
अभी क्या, अभी तो चाँद पर जा रहे हैं
थोड़ा सब्र करो, कुछ ही दिनों में तारे पकड़ने वाले हैं।
तुम तो एक अरब तेरह करोड़ पर घबरा गयेजबकि पचास साल में,
दो अरब तक बढ़ने वाले हैं।
बहनो! गुंडों से बचाव, खुद ही करना सीख लोयह न सोचो,
पुलिसवाले इन्हें जकड़ने वाले हैं।

Friday, December 21, 2007

One of the great Poems from Harivanshrai Srivastav well known as Harivanshrai Bacchan.

Lahron se darkar nauka kabhi paar nahi hoti,
koshish karne walon ki kabhi haar nahi hoti,
nanhi chinti jab dana lekar chalti hai,
chadhti deewaron par sau baar fisalti hai,
manka vishwas ragon me sahas bharta hai,chadhkar girna,
girkar chadhna na akharta hai,
mehnat uski bekar har baar nahi hoti,
mehnat karne walo ki kabhi haar nahi hoti,
dubkiyan sindhu me gotakhor lagata hai,
ja ja kar khali haath laut kar ata hai,
mile na sehaj moti gehare pani me,
badhta duuna vishwas is hairani me,
muthi uski khaali har baar nahi hoti,
koshish karne walon ki kabhi haar nahi hoti,
asaflta ek chunauti hai, sweekar karo,
kya kami reh gayi,
dekho aur sudhar karo,
jab tak safal na ho chain ki neend ka tyago tum,
sangharsh ka maidan mat chod kar bhago tum,
kuch kiye bina jai jai kaar nahi hoti,
koshish karne walon ki kabhi haar nahi hoti.

-A poem by Great Poet Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan
Keep reading and always have a positive attitude because life is beautiful.

What is the difference between a process and system?

We often heard about the process and system. As a layman, both the terms are taken as equal but these are different in nature.
A process is an acitivity or a set of acvtities which takes the input and transform them into an output with the help of the resources i.e man, machine, materials, methods etc.

A system is the combination of the process which gives the desired result.
For example - How to make a cup of tea is a complete system and how the kettle will put on the stove, or how to serve the tea is the process.
The complete processes makes the system of the preparation of tea.

There can be the output of one process may be the input of simulatneous process. A chain of processess make the system.

Keep reading, I will be back with some another topic.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

To keep you Financially stable, always have alterntives sources of income

Individual financial stability is most important thing for an individual and when there is only one source of income and if there is any mishappening with the source, a person always goes into trauma.
In todays world where ample opportunities are with in market , we can utilise our skills to getting some extra income just by doing something extra.
Todays where the world is in your palm and accessability is so vast, we can do many things with our job or business.
If you have the writing skills, start your blog and earn money. If you have the business acumen, share your ideas with others and sell your ideas. If you are a painter, sell your paintings. If you love to teach other, starting coaching to other. These things not really improve you, but also gives you the mental satisfaction.
Whatever the skill you have , try to utilise them to earn some extra money.
Keep reading and live your life in its fullest.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Make the best use of this god gifted life..............

The allmighty created us as a human being, this is the biggest achievement of our life. Now, it is entirely upto us that how beautifully we can live this life?
God has given us only one chance to prove our worth , So, let us make the best use of this life personally as well professionally.
My mantra of life is - Make the best use of this life because we do not know when we will get the chance again. Enjoy but without harming other feelings. Do whatever our inner soul wants.
Set your goals that what do you expect from your life and go for it.
Life is an itinarary and everybody came here as alone but the people around you makes your life beautiful whether they are good or bad.
Every moment of life is a learning experience.
Enjoy your life at its fullest.
Keep reading.

Music therapy - A medicine to all your worries and distress

Tune yourself with your favourite music, whenever you are in good mood or in distress. This will soothe you and your inner soul. Music is actually creates the vibration of various instruments in unequal frequencies which gives the harmony to our ears.
Music taste varies from individual to individual according to the behavior, genes, sourroundings and upbrinings of an individual.
Whenever you are in good mood or distress , tune yourself with the favorite music of your choice and it will definately gives you a heavenly pleasure. Classical form of music always vibrates our heart, mind and body. Do whatever you want, when the beats of your favourite music confronts with your ears.

Countdown begins for 2008.......................

2007 is just about to go within another 15 days. So, All who have the numerological number as 9, they have still 15 days in account to make this 2007 years as memorable.
Those who have the lucky number 1, they are aleady in the safe seat because 2008 is already seems to be very lucky for them.
Do it right now, make 2007 a special year in your life because now 2007 will never come back in our life.
Still we have 15 days left for doing something extraordinary.
Keep reading and energize yourself.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

People are the key assets to an organisation

Many companies believe that Human resource do not affects their business and attrition does not make a difference to them.
But in today's competitive world, human resource make a lot of difference to any organisation and those companies which gives the importance to their personnel and try to focus on retaining them in a long term, they really securing the future of their companies.
The five M's of a company are- Man , Money, Machine, Methods and Market plays a pivotal role in the growth, susttainablity of any companies. All companies who are at the pinaccle or want to reach there now realising the truth is - Human resource are equally important to other M's.
Treat your employees as equal partner, honoured them and give them the best. In return , they will give their best potential in the growth of the company.

Keep reading , believe in yourself because every individual has an enormous potential and calibre. The only need is that- How you are utilising yourself?
Take very good care of yourself coz, you have to do a lot of things.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What is the ideal time to switchover from a company?

Career planning is a very important and crtical tool for a professional who really wants the advancement in his/her career specially in private sector.
But the thousand dollar question is – what is the ideal time to change your job from a company? It varies to person to person according to his desire that what actually he /she wants from his/her career. Some prefers the stability , some prefers more authority and some gives importance to monetary benefits.
Being a professional for seven years in industry, I suggest you the ideal time to spent in a company is 3 to 5 Years. If you start your career in a company , then atleast spent 3 years there and then switch over from the company. First company experience always gives you a wide exposure in every field of business management. But the problem is – sometimes a fresher choses the wrong ship to sail his career just because of his eagerness or earning the money. Then you have to realise that it was the wrong choice and immediately think to switchover. But once a professional spent two or more years in industry, he can easily visualise the things more clear.
There are some factors always affects the decisions of switchover from a company- First, Fear to change factor- this is the factors which creates always a hurdle in advancement of a career because this is a human tendency to not to accept the changes. Due to this , a lot of talented career came to shrink in a limited aura. Second factor- Saturation – Once a professional realising that wherever he is working, he adopted the system very well and he used to it then this is the alarming signal to a professional that this is the time to switchover from a company. There are other factors which also contributes a lot who stops a person to change and thise varies from person to person.
My suggstion to all my reader is – Start to think about changes in your career once you spent 3 years because explore your wings , sky has the limits.
But if you are satisfy with your job and there is no hidden hurdles or factors which affecting your decisio, you are in the best fit.
Keep reading and good take care of your life because you are th owner of your beautiful life.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Is it better to do MBA after gaining some experience?

Answer is " Yes".
After gaining some working experience in your account , it is always better to go for a MBA degree because it gives not only the practical exposure but also the terminology used in management books.
Working experience gives you the real work place where you learn a lot of things which is actually taught in these courses and when we go for MBA, you will find that exactly it is happening in our workplace and undestanding becomes so easy that if you spent a little time with your course, you can easily pass the examination.

There are several universities offering the MBA course in Online mode or distance education pattern. Punjab Technical University, SYMBIOSIS, Sikkim Manipal, ICFAI, Annamalai , Maduari Kamraj University , IGNOU are few of them.
It is always better for advancement in career to hold a professional degree and add a great value to your profile.
So, if you are planning to do MBA , do it because it gives you extra edge over than others.
Keep reading.

Management is an Art or Science ?

Management is an art or science. It is a big question to management gurus for a long time. But now all agreed that Management is a synergy between these two. Management is the total combination of art and science and varies to type of business. In some business process art is dominating in nature and in some process, science supersede the art.
For an enterprenur , it is necessary to understand the difference between art and science and those who understand the difference , they make a great impact on business and becomes the tycoon in the field.
According to my prospective, management is an art which uses the scientific methods to raise the bar.
You can not excel in business by only sticking into one arena , you have to use both the things simultaneouly. Managing the human asset is an art and control the processess is science.
So, whenever anybody asks this question to you that management is an art or science , say to him, " It is the combination of both."

Keep reading.

Monday, December 3, 2007

A must read story to all Professionals - When MAnagement want to sack you

You just cannot flee from the clutches of TOPMANAGEMENT and the fiction underneath stresses on that.
Read it and you would know.
Once PVNR (PV Narasimha Rao), L.K.Advani and LalooPrasad Yadav were travelling in an auto rickshaw. Theymet with an accident and all three of them died. YamaRaja was waiting for this moment at the doorstep ofdeath.He asks PVNR and Advani to go to HEAVEN.. But, forLaloo, Yama had already decided that he should be sentto HELL.
Laloo is not at all happy with this decision. He asksYama as to why this discrimination is being made.Yama agrees to this and asks all the three of them toappear for an English test.PVNR is asked to spell "INDIA" and he does itcorrectly.Advani is asked to spell "ENGLAND" and he too passes.It is Laloo's turn and he is asked to spell"CZECHOSLOVAKIA".
Laloo protests that he doesn't know English. He saysthis is not fair and that he was given a toughquestion and thus forced to fail with false intent.Having been a student of history (which the other twoweren't), he now requested for all the 3 to besubjected to a test in history.Yama says OK but this would be the last chance andthat he would not take any more tests.PVNR is asked: "When did India get Independence?".
He replied "1947" and passed.Advani is asked "How many people died during theindependence struggle?".He gets nervous. Yama asked him to choose from 3options:100,000 or 200,000 or 300,000.Advani catches it and says 200,000 and passes.It's Laloo's turn now. Yama asks him to give the Nameand Address of each of the 200,000 who died in thestruggle. Laloo accepts defeat and agrees to go toHELL.


I have received this illusive story from my friend and being a accused , I have to tell this all my friends.
Keep reading, I will be back .
Say cheers to life and take good care of yourself.