Monday, October 29, 2007

Why I read the book , " A Monk who sold his Ferrari"?

One of my office friend gave me the book " A monk who sold his ferrari" by Robin Sharma. When reached at my home, I just read the index and kept this book into shelves.
Next day, when I had reached my office , my colleague asked me about the book and I just told him that I have yet not started to read it.
In the evening I had decided to read the book and Once I started reading that book , I continually read this book for four hours and I had finsihed this book at 1:30 AM.

I was really surprised by the writing style of Robin Sharma that how he managed to tell the truth of life in a story.
I was impressed by the book and recommend all of you to read this book.
This is a book which really helps you to achieving your goals and maintianing your life.
To keep balance in life is really important and this books also tells you to manage your life.
Spread the knowledge to everyone and share the fruit of life to everyone.
Let us cherish for life and life cherishes you.
Enjoy life because it is really wonderful.

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