Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Know about PDCA and Kaizen

PDCA is the abbreviation of Plan-Do-Check-Act. It is adopted to implement a system. This methodology states that Planning is the first step to do a work. Then according tas per your expectations. o the plan, action is required and when action is happening, it requires the checkpoints and every step critically analyse and find out the scope for improvements and when a process is established then the real pragmatic action is carried out and the process adopted in the real world. This is a cyclic process and stops only when you will not get the desired and best output
PDCA methodology can be used in any field or any work. This approach gives you a very practical approach to do a work. In manufacturing world, this process or approach is very critical to establish a foolproof manufacturing process.

Kaizen is actually a Japanese word and this word can be split in two sub-words as Kai- change and zen- good. So if you combine these two sub words, it has the meaning – change for good. So, every small change can lead to a big improvement because complacency has no room. In every field Kaizen can be implemented to improve a process or system. Although kaizen is mainly used in corporate world to improve the business by making some good changes which take the business in new heights. But kaizen can also be used in individual or at home level because any small change in your habits or home activities can be beneficial to you. So, find out the small changes which can make some good effect to you.

These two methodology –PDCA and kaizen are very important words, if you are working in any manufacturing sector /service sector and familiar with these words can give you an extra edge over your peers.

Keep reading and cheers for everything.

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