Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Practical way to keep away the Doctors ?

In Ayurveda ( An ancient medical therapy) , anger and fear are the root cause of any disease. Any disease starts from our mind. A positive energy is always plays as an antibiotic for body and negative thoughts can lead you to a disease. Criticism, anger, resentment and guilt are the most dangerous negative energies that influence our entire body mechanism. These negative energies can leads a man to serious disease like Arthritis, high blood pressure, spondylosis, cancer. Yoga is a method to cultivate the positive energy in your body. When a positive thoughts click in our mind, our whole body energized and this energy flows into every vein of the body. Every cell of our body get positive energy and whole the body shivered for a while. Actually GOD made our body so uniquely so that every disease can be cured by himself. There is always a GOD wish to make us healthy, strong and joy. He created this universe in such a way that when we respond Yes to it , then the universe also respond Yes. If you make a good plan , the entire universe started to make a conspiracy to make it possible. So if you really want to keep you away from the diseases, develop some qualities within you. Start forgiving people and fall in love with yourself. Do start to think positive and love to your kins and when you start to do that, you will feel that the atmosphere around you is becoming more good and beautiful and when you cross this limit, expand your forgiveness and love to other people. No disease can have the dare to enter in a positively influenced body. There is not a single bacteria / virus who has the strength to break the seal of this shield. Really try to develop this kind of positive energy within you, I can assure you that you never become ill and you have no need to consult a doctor.
Keep your body fit and healthy because a good health has no substitute in this world.
Keep reading and wish you a happy and healthy life.

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