Monday, August 25, 2008

Highlights of Beijing 2008 Olympics

A grand opening ceremony and excellent closing ceremeony at Beijing Olympics clearly the showcase of reformed China.
China has utilised the opportunity of hosting the biggest sporting event on the earth and made it a huge hit.
- China topped the medal tally with 51 Gold medal and overall USA bagged 110 medals and China won 100 medals ( 51 Gold, 21 Silver and 28 Bronze).
- Asian countries won 90 Gold, 56 Silver and 86 Bronze medals in Beijing Olympics.
- Michael Phelps of USA won 8 gold medals and broke the world record of Mark Sptiz of USA.
- India won 3 individual medals in any of the olympics. Abhinav Bindra won Gold medal in Shooting, Shushil kumar won bronze in Wrestling and Bijendra kumar won the bronze in Boxing.
- Usain Bolt of Jamaica won three gold medals and he became the fastest man on the earth by covering 100 meter in just 9.68 Seconds.
- Total 87 countries won the medal in the Beijing Olympics out of 204 Countries participating in the olympics.
- USA dominance on athletics events are now past.
- Total 43 world recrods were broken in Beijing 2008.
- Only 6 Atheletes caught using banned drugs.
- Beijing olympics were seen by 4.4 billions peoples all around the world. ( TV viewership)
- Next olympic will be held in London in 2012.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

What is ABO Blood Group ?

Whenever we go to our Doctor, they ussually ask about our blood group or even in our some important ID cards, We mention our blood group. Thanks to Karl Landsteiner of Austria who was awarded Nobel Prize in 1930 for his excellent contribution in Physiology for their discovery of human blood groups.

Because of this great medical practioner, today we are able to know our blood group as A,B,AB and O.
There are 8 Blood Groups - A+, A-, B+,B-, AB+, AB-, O+, O- and the +/- depends on Rh factor. Rh factor found on the red blood cell's surface. This is also an antigen and those who have it are called Rh+. Those who haven't are called Rh-. This Rh factor decides the +/-.

Interesting and useful things to know about Blood group
-AB can give blood to AB but receive from AB,A,B and O
-A can receive from A & O but can give to A and AB
-B can receive from B & O but can give only to B & AB.
-O can receive only from O but can give to all. O is known as unviersal donor but unfortunately can recieve from Only O.

Suggestive diet charts as per blood group-
A Blood Group Holder- They should try eat fruits and vegetables and avoid the dairy products.
B Blood Group Holder - They should try to eat balanced diet which includes fruits and vegetables, grains, fish, dairy, meat etc.
AB Blood group holder - They should try to eat vegetarian diet and can go for dairy and non-veg diet once in a while.
O Blood group holder- They should try to eat the high protein diet

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tips before enrolling in MBA-Distance / Corrspondence

In today's competitive world, every profesional wants to get an MBA degree. Those who get the opportunity to enrolled in regular programme, they are very lucky but there is a mass who is working and want to pusue the MBA in distance or correspondence mode, they have the right thinking to cope up with the market. As a visiting faculty of an institute where I teach the MBA students who enrolled in Distance program.

But before enrolling in MBA , Following things are to be kept in mind-
1- You are not just doing MBA for attaining a degree but gaining some knolwedge.
2- You have to acquire the knowledge deeply. Luckily the working professional has the exposure of all the functionality so they can understand the syallabus easily.
3- You have to devote time in your study ( Atleast 1 Hour per day)
4- Do not flow in the direction of the wind, Do your SWOT and then go for the specialistion.
5- Co-relate the curriculum with your working experience and add some value to your current profile.
6- Take your MBA course very seriously.

Offcourse , MBA degree will help you a lot in your professional career as well as boost your confidence level.

So, if you are a professional and want to do MBA, You are in a very right direction and do take it very seriously.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happiness Index- 10 Happiest nations of the world

British University of Leicester conducted a survey by evaluating their happiness standards on various parameters and revealed the 10 countries which are at par with their standards and credited these countries the happiest place to live. ( Mail Today, 19th August,2008)
1- Denmark – A country in Europe with a high standards of living which has a negligible poverty and a transparent public and government policies topped the list.
2- Switzerland – The second spot goes to this beautiful country which has the outstanding natures. Their low crime rates and excellent infrastructure make this country so pleasant. It ranked as 2.
3- Austria – This country also belongs to Europe and has the strong health care system and strict environmental policies. The third place goes to Austria.
4- Iceland – It welfare systems for their citizens make this country so pleasant to live.
5-Bahamas- The people of Bahamas knows how to live the life? Their zeal to live a happy life against any odds placed them at no.5.
6-Finland – The country of Nokia has a very good health care system, free educational system make it to the list.
7-Sweden- The social equality in Sweden is remarkable and work/life balance make this country so happy.
8- Bhutan – A very small country in Asia which is surrounded by Nepal, India and China ranks eighth because it has the national identity and unspoiled culture.
9- Canada- The strong sense of national Identity and natural beauty help Canada to make their place in the happiest country in the world.
10- Brunei – The government policies and structure plays a vital role for their citizens. Their governmental social concern make this country in the list.
Can India able to make their place in this list? God knows when we will be in the list.
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Monday, August 18, 2008

Word of Mouth Publicity is the best practice of Marketing in Rural Market

In India where 75 Crores population still lives in rural area and have a very big markt potential. Now every corporate house wants to trap the unexplored market by any means.

But the effective marketing tools in rural areas are Word of mouth publicity where people still believes that if an influential person says somethings or suggest something, it has the weightage. There is a scope of word of mouth publicity works.

In rural areas, where people easily beleives in Doctors, Government officials , Panchayati people, educated persons , the rural people easily beleive in their saying.

If any company wants to penetrate the rural market, these are the key person who can play a vital role in their marketing campaign and this can lead them to make their roots there.

The Fifth P of marketing mix - Penetrations needs the special attention in Rural areas and this segment has a huge potential in long run and if a company able to make their root in rural areas, they can easily trap the market.

In Urban areas where people sets their own rules and choice to select their products or services, word of mouth publicity has some limitations but In rural areas It stills works.

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First anniversary of my blog , Thanks to all to support me......

On 17th August,2008 when I thought to make a blog and try to give a platform to my writing hunger I never thought that I will make it for one year. But as time flies and I gave the support from my readers, I made it and Now I have decided to take it in a long and long run.

So, This is the First Anniversary of my blog and I want to say thanks to all my readers who really encourage and inspires me to write and write whatever I feel about the things in my surroundings.

But This is a very small leap of my itinerary and I want to take it very long and I need the support and encouragement from all my readers.

I tried to cover all the domains of life and knowledge spectrum in my blog which I felt I have to share with my readers.

Meanwhile I Also want to say " thanks" to my wife who is really supports and encourage me to write in this blog. She is very inspirational source for me.

At the last, I promise to all my readers, I will write more and more articles on my blog which can help you. If any of my article helps you, I will be very acknowledged. I also suggest to all my readers that If you have the ability to write , make your blog and give a platform to your writing thirst.

" This is just a beginining of a long journey, With your support and encouragement We will covered so many milestones."

Keep reading..................... God bless you all with the heavenly blessings which you desereve in this beautiful itinerary of " LIFE"

Monday, August 11, 2008

Finally A Gold Medal for India.....Thanks Abhinav Bindra

Abhinav Bindra Became the first Indian to won the Individual Gold Medal in Olympic History which begun from 1896.
He won the Gold medal in 10 M Air rifle competition at Beijing. This gold medal means a lot to indian and indian sports.

Chak De India! All Indians are feeling very happy that at last Indian flag is in the high. Last time, India won the gold medal in Moscow olympic in Hockey in 1980 but this olympic was not complete in the sense that many countries were boycotted that olympic.

Now Bindra Gave us a pride moment to every indian that Now in Medal tally, India will also appear in the Gold category.
Some Lines for Abhinav Bindra

" Tu Shaan hain, Tu Aan Hain. Tere bute aaj Hindustaan hain.

Vo Kamaal Kiya tune Beijing main, Aaj har hindustani ko tujh par naaj hain"

Let us wish all the indian players at beijing to do their best and make us proud.............

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Friday, August 8, 2008

What is the mystery in Bermuda Triangle?

Last week, When I was returned at home in evening and IBN 7 - News channel was flashing a breaking news about Bermuda triangle that some people were missing after visited this place. I have heard about the Bermuda triangle in my school day that there is a huge monster lived who ate all the things which passed by him. So, I searched some information about the same from the Net. Specially thanks to Wikipedia who has uploaded the information on their website.

The Bermuda Triangle , also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region of the northwestern atlantic ocean. .
Christopher Columbus first experienced the the mystery of this bermuda triangle in the year 1492 and till date many air planes, ships and other surface vessels were graved into this triangle. The boundaries of the Triangle vary with the author; some stating its shape is akin to a trapezoidal covering the strait of Florida , the bahamas and the entire Caibbean island area and the Atlantic east.

There are many thories given for this bermuda mystery but till date , no theory is world wide accepted and whole world is unknown to the fact that exactly what is there in Bermuda triangle and why is it so frieghtening?

Today when we are reached upto mars , Our scientists are not able to solve the bermuda mystery. This is quite strange and scientists should do some research on the same and give their conclusion about the Bermuda Triangle.
I will collect more information on the above subject and share with you soon.
Till than, Keep reading.............

Monday, August 4, 2008

Eight Worldwide accepted Quality Management Principles

ISO 9001:2000 QMS based on eight world wide accepted quality mangement principles :
1) Customer focussed organisation- Customer is the cynosure of all the activities within a enterprise. Evert enterprise ultimate goal is to satisfy the customer.
2) Leadership - No system is effective until unless it has a dynamic leadership.
3) Involvement of people - No system is implemented alone. The follower of the systems are the people who has to be adhered with the system. Their acceptance is must to implement the system within the enterprise.
4) Process approach- Every input after procesing leads to some output. So, every step defined to get a desired output is called process approach.
5) System Appraoch- The interlinking and intrarelationship with the processes are called system approach.
6) Continual Improvement- Continual improvement is the key to grow to any enterprise in every aspects of their functioning.
7) Factual description to decision making- Every things in ther enterprise should be based on statistical or quantitative terms.
8) Mutually beneficial relationship with the supplier- A good relationship with the supplier leads to the success to any company.

Keep reading................

Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Mother is our best Teacher..............

I love to read the spiritual books like Ramayana, Mahabharata , Gita, Sukhsagar etc. My mother used to tell us the stories of these ancients at our childhood. Her teaching style always admire me. Although she did not know how to read but she had a collection of these spiritual books and she owed these books from Maternal grandfather.
When we were started our schooling and learnt reading then she forced us to read the holy books when we were going to sleep and she set a routine that on night one of us read the books loudly so that everybody listened and she also explained the teachings in mid of the reading session.

This really imbibe and imparted all the stories of these holy books within ourselves right through our begining of our life.

She is a true fighter in every sense. Her committment towards family and husband was excellent. She is our real source of inspiration.

Today, whenever we saw any serial on Ramayana, Mahabharat or some other epic serial we thanks to our mother that we knew the story.

Her patience and unbreakable faith on GOD is remarkable.

We are really fortunate that God gave us such a wonderful and dear mother.

Respect to your parents because God can't live with everybody so they have given us the parents.

Keep reading.............

Friday, August 1, 2008

What is a customer and what are its types?

Customer is an individual or a group of individuals or an organsaition who pays after taking any goods or service. So, Custoemer plays a very vital role in the sustaining of any firm/organsaition /company. Customer is the bread butter or oxygen to any service or product provider.
A company can be sustain in the market if and only if the customer faith keeps on them. Usually we divide the customer into three categories

A) Delighted customer - Those customer who gets the best service or product from any enterprise is called delighted customer and these add the mouth publicity to another people and these are the unknown brand ambassdor of any company.
B) Satisfied customer - These are the customer who used your service or products and satisfied with the performance.
C) Dissatisfied customer - Those customer are the big threat to any company's existance. They are the people whom any company should taken care and resolve their issues immediately otherwise they can ruin the market base of the company.

Customer is like a god to any enterprise and he should treat in the same way. Otherwise, in today's world there are so many choices he/she had.
Customer satisfaction should be the ultimate goal of any company. Without focussing on customer demand and expectations, no company can take their journey to a long run. Add as many delighted customer in to your clientele and solve the problem of dissatisfied customer.

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