Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Is there any difference between Accuracy and Precision?

For any ordinary man , both the terms are equivalent but for those have an analytical brain, both the terms are very different.
Accuracy is actually closeness of agreement between observed value and known reference standard. In mathematical or statistical terms , it is also known as the central tendency which can be calculated as mean, mode and median.

But precision is the measure of dispersion between several individual observations of relevant quality characteristics. Precision describes consistency of the process and it is calculated by range and Standard deviation.

Little bit counfuse? Let me explain......

Suppose you are an archer or a shooter and you have to hit a target or a circle. If your bullets or arrow are not hitting the exact target but all the bullets or arrows are just hitting outside the target but all are in a same portion , it means you are precised on the target but if your bullets or arrows are near by target but all are scattered into different direction of the target , it is accuracy. if you hit the target, It is accurate and precised.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Don't take the office problems to your home and vice versa...................

One of my boss in my company said once to me ," When you leave your home and enter into the office campus or premise, think about the office and office only. At the evening, when you leave the office, leave your office worries at office. This will create a balance between your personal life and Professiona life."

I always remember his quotes but sometimes it is quite difficult to make a clear demarcation line between these two.
But atleast we should try to avoid the mixing up of these two lives, which we lives every day.
Followings are some tips-
- When you leave the home to office , Plan your day at office that How will you utilise the time in office to execute all the works.
- When you leave the office after office hours, think about your family that how well you are going to spent your time with your beloved ones.
- Problems are always there. Don't try to mix up these problem with another life.
- Don't show office fustration in home and home frustration at office. It will ruin your personal life as well as professional life.
-Try to find our the root cause of the problem and try to remove the bottlenecks.
- Be honest in every form of life.
- Try to develop the patience.

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Three decades of my life- An Autobiography

On 27th July, I am going to complete my 30 years of my life. It means I have spent my three decades and this was a wonderful itinerary and I had learnt a lot which makes me a better and more mature person.
I can divide my life into three decades.
1st Phase ( 1978 -1988) – On 27th July,1978 day- Thursday God blessed my parents with a baby boy as me. I started my primary schooling from my village school and lived a normal and ordinary childhood. I was not very studious in my primary school day.
2nd Phase ( 1989-1999) – 1989 was a landmark year of my life because I was selected in Jawahar Navodaya School, Ranikhet where I did my Schooling from 6th to 12th. These years added some beautiful pages in my life and I really learnt a lot of things in my boarding schools which made me so strong and a good human being. I was a very good student in my school days and always ready to participate in every extra curricular activities of my school that was the reason , I got a special name from one of my teacher as “Diamond”. My classmates always remind me this name whenever we were in touch. After completing my schooling, I did my graduation from Kumaun University, Nainital in science stream from 1996 to 1999. I did very well in my school days.
3rd Phase ( 1999-Till date) – Year 1999 was the worst year of my life because I lost my fahter on 11th November,1999. He was my real mentor whose simplicity in every aspects of life always inspires me to do better and better in life. On 25th June,2000 , I landed in Delhi with a lot of hopes and dreams.
After two years of struggle in Delhi, I got my first Job in Faridabad where I spent my 4 & ½ Years. During my tenure with my first job, I also completed my MBA -IT from Punjab Technical University. My first job gave me an unique experience and satisfaction too. On 5th Jan,2007- I left my company and joined an IT-company in delhi and on 26th January, 07- I met with Beena who is my wife now. My life who was running very slow , took the first gear. On 8th Feb,2008 I got married with Beena. I always believe that God is so kind to me but after getting Beena in my life, My faith on God was raised in many folds. Now I always feel that He is my shepherd. In my life, Family comes first. I always gives the preference to my family because they are the people who makes you happy and gives you a sense of doing better and better. They are the people who know you strength and weakness throughout your life.
There are many decades, I have to live in this beautiful earth and I want to make the best use of this God gifted life and I want to conclude by these few lines
“ Every stop or destination is just a comma of your life, you have to go long and long.”
Keep reading..................

Friday, July 25, 2008

Perfect Fitness Mantra

Fitness is the new age mantra. Everybody wants to keep him/her fit as always but in Today's world specially in metro people are ignoring the fitness programme.
I suggest you to follow the golden rule to keep you fit -
- Try to live a routine life.
- Make a time table for everything ile Taking lunch, Supper and breakfast.
- Don't forget to take breakfast.
- Take your supper before 9 :00 PM and take a walk after the supper and try to go into bed before 11:00 PM.

- Start your morning before 6:30 AM
- Try to do some yoga or exercise.
- Keep your head cool or calm.
- Try the laugh therapy.
- Drink water after regular interval.
- Don't drink water during the meal.

Although we know this is very tough in metro or working life to maintain a balance life but there is a goldent saying that " health is wealth."

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Olympics Journey – 1896- Athens to 2008- Beijing , China

These Five rings of IOC logo represents the fice contienents of the world to share the common vision for sports.

Thanks to Frenchman Pierre de Courbatin who revived the ancient Olympic sports events and world witnessed the first modern Olympic event in 1896 in Athens Greece where the ancient Olympic was born. This Frenchman founded the International Olympic Committee in 23rd June, 1894 at Paris and Demetrius Vikelas , Greece was the first president of IOC and two years later, world witnessed the first modern era Olympic in Athens , Greece.
Now Beijing , China is ready to host the 29th Olympic from August,8 to August 24,2008.
1896 – Athens, 1900- Paris , 1904- St. Louis, 1908- London, 1912- Stockholm, 1916- Not held, 1920- Antwerp, 1924-Paris, 1928- Amsterdam, 1932- Los angles, 1940 – Not held, 1944- Not held, 1948- London, 1952- Helsinki, 1956-Melborune, 1960-Rome, 1964-Tokyo, 1968- Mexico City, 1972- Munich, 1976-Montreal, 1980- Moscow, 1984-Los angles, 1988- Seoul, 1992- Barcelona, 1996- Atlanta , 2000-Sydney, 2004- Athens, 2008- Beijing.
The 29th Olympics slogan is “ One world, one dream” is also very encouraging. Wait and watch the Olympics in Dragon country, China.
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Worst traffic Jam of Delhi - Who is responsible?

In addition to my previous posting regarding the traffic police, today I had faced thw worst jam session in Delhi of my 8 years. I took my charted bus at 9:10 AM from Pushp Vihar Stand, delhi and it took 2 hours to reach my office at Okhla which is just 7 Kilometer from this stand. This all happened with the traffic jam in Mehrauli-Badarpur road at 9:00 AM when all the office goers were going to their offices.

Traffic police is just seeing the jam and no active action were shown by these folks. We all in metro cities or cities faced this type of situation in day to day life.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Delhi Traffic Police - These guys are really pathetic- A real experience on Tuesday, 22 July,2008 at 9:15 AM

Today morning, I took my charted bus from Pushp Vihar Stand and after some distance, a traffic policeman stopped out bus and took the bus driver to their booth. As all the passengers were office goers and everybody was in hurry to reach their office. After minutes, when the driver not reached at bus, we decided to move from the bus and try for another bus then I suggested to visit the traffic police booth and around 15 passengers along with me just visited the traffic police booth. We tried to understand the problem but these guys were really pathetic and did not ready to listen our words. After some minutes arguments, they released the bus driver but till that time , we already got late.

Another late mark in my office attendance. I suggest some points to Delhi traffic police-
- Men ! Your job is do help the people, not creating the problem to them.
- Do your duty with perfect honesty.
- Try to understand the problem of common men.

I hope you all will gone through such type of trauma in your life with delhi traffic police. Guys! Now this is time, we have to raise our voice and these governments officials are there to help us not for creating the problem to common men.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Saving Supratim- All India Medical Institute added one more feather in its CAP.

When Supratim admitted in AIIMS on 12th July after a near to fatal accident when 6 Kg Iron angle pierced right through his chest, All the doctors of AIIMS had done a commandable job to save this 23 years old executive of HCL.
AIIMS is always known for the best treatment avaiable in India and once again , they have proved the same and save the young man after 8 hours of marathon surgery.
Medical sciences are todays very advanced but this case was rare among the rarest but the zeal to live of Supratim make it possible to him as well doctors to operate him.

In 1956, Government established in New Delhi a center of excellence in medicine, which could serve as a model for the country and also supply research-oriented teachers for the rapidly growing number of medical colleges and the first director of AIIMS was Prof Bhalachandra Babaji Dikshit.

From 1956 to till date, AIIMS becomes the cynosure of of all the medical activities and development in Noth India and always prove the excellence in Medical history.

Congratulations ! Supratim and All AIIMS Doctors.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

4 P's of Marketing - The Marketing mix

Today, Market is very volatile and cautious. The customer expectations are very high and there is a cutting throat competition among the companies and customer who is really the bread butter for these companies has many choices. So , a perfect marketing strategy is must for any company to sustain in the market. The 4P's of MArketing are - Product, Promotion , Price and Place. There is one another P- Penetration is also plays a vital role in marketing mix strategy.
PRODUCTEvery company should have a product which really consumer wants to buy as per their expectations. So, before launching a product in Market, a company should first focus on a target segment as per various parameters i.e age, income, location etc. product should have the capability to differentiate from other available in the market.
PROMOTIONCustomers have to be made aware of the product. The two main ingredients are target market and cost. Here, company has to decide to adopt the BTL or ATL marketing.
PRICEThe price plays an important role for any product and it must be high enough to cover cost of prodcution and make a profit but low enough to attract customers.
PLACEPlace indicates the accessbility of your business service or products in the market.
So, all the young enterpreneur ready to face the hardcore truth of market and adopt the strategy which suits as per your requirement.
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An inspirational Quote of Muhammad Ali

"Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill."

These words are very inspiring and encouraging. In every field of life where you want to excel or want to raise your bar, there are something which needs within you- Hardwork, determination , focussed approach, believe in almighty and a great will. These leads to a person to become the victorious from all odds. Odds are only the part of life and it teaches the lesson to an individual and give them the patience to handle or tackle the more challenges in life. Muhammad Ali or Casius Clay the great boxer of all time, descibing that will - strong will that a man can do wonders if he /she has the faith in themselves. Inbron assets or talent only exhibited when you think beyond your bars.

Keep reading and have a faith in yourselves because we all are special child of the omnipotent and almighty.

God bless you........

Friday, July 11, 2008

What is IAEA and NPT? Why India has fear to sign on it.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nucelar energy and to inhibit its use for military operations. Though established independently of the UN under its own international treaty (the IAEA Statute), the IAEA reports to both the General Assembly and the Security council of UN and NPT stands for Non-Proliferation Treaty. IAEA is a caretaker of implementing this treaty all over the world. 194 countries already signed the treaty except India, Pakistan and Israel. This treaty actually stops the military use / development of the atomic weapons. Once a country signed on this treaty , the agency will control the atomic reactors of the company and audit the same time to time to verify the same.
The IAEA has its headquarters in Vienna , Austria.It was established as an autonomous organization on 29th July 1957. This organsiation is already bagged the Noble Peace Prize in 2005 alongwith its Director general -Mohammad ElBaradei.
its Operational liaison and regional offices are located in Geneva, Switzerland; New York, USA; Toronto, Canada; and Tokyo, Japan. The IAEA runs or supports research centers and scientific laboratories in Vienna and Seibersdorf, Austria; Monaco; and Trieste, Italy.
Now When Indian Prime minister Mr. Manmohan Singh Visited Japan for G-8 Summit for discussion in IAEA and He assure the USA President Mr. Bush that they are going to sign the draft then Left parties withdraw their support and they stated that UPA government dis not show the draft to them.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Which type of hat you are wearing ? Six Thinking Hats Technique

'Six Thinking Hats' is an important and powerful technique. It is used to look at decisions from a number of important perspectives. Every person looks a problem with their attitude and to get rid from the problem, every individual has its own style of solving the problem which was actually based upon his/ her traits, educational background, experience and attitude.
This tool was created by Edward de Bono.
White hat
With this kind of people always focus on the data available. Look at the information you have, and see what you can learn from it. Look for gaps in your knowledge, and either try to fill them or take account of them. This is where you analyze past trends, and try to extrapolate from historical data.
Red Hat
Wearing' the red hat, you look at problems using intuition, gut reaction, and emotion. Also try to think how other people will react emotionally. Try to understand the responses of people who do not fully know your reasoning.
Focusing the entire scenario in one shot is the characteristic of Red Hat people.
Black Hat
These are the individual who always looks for the flop side of the coin. It means they consider the bad effects first then the positive effect of the decision. This is important because it highlights the weak points in a plan. It allows you to eliminate them, alter them, or prepare contingency plans to counter them.
Yellow Hat
They are the opposite from Black hat. They always see the flip side of the coin. The yellow hat helps you to think positively. It is the optimistic viewpoint that helps you to see all the benefits of the decision and the value in it. Yellow Hat thinking helps you to keep going when everything looks gloomy and difficult.
Green hat
They are revolutionary. The Green Hat stands for creativity. This is where you can develop creative solutions to a problem. It is a freewheeling way of thinking, in which there is little criticism of ideas.
Blue hat
They are the people who are really responsible to control the problem. 'Blue Hat Thinking' stands for process control. This is the hat worn by people chairing meetings. When running into difficulties because ideas are running dry, they may direct activity into Green Hat thinking. When contingency plans are needed, they will ask for Black Hat thinking, etc.. They are always looks for the ideas from others.
So, what type of Hat you wear when a problem arises at your end?.......................
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Monday, July 7, 2008

Jaipur- The Pink city of India

On 5th July,2008 - I have visited Jaipur. Jaipur is a histoical city and capital of largest state in terms of area-Rajsthan. This city is famous of its history and I also witnessed some historical monuments there. City Palace, Jal Mahal, Amber Fort , Pink city market where the color of all the shops are pink. This place actually gave you an idea of out rich heritage. I was thrilled and excited when I visited the SILAHKHANA where I saw the weapons - Swords of many types, Guns, Pistols, Chariots and other weapons. I was amazed by the Amber fort , Nahar Fort and also saw above than 300 Kg silver "Martbaan". HawaMahal is quite remarkable for its sculpture.

At last I visited the CHUKHI DHANI , A place where the rural rajsthan depicted very beautifully. Now, I came to know that Why foreigners and many tourists from every part of India and world visit Jaipur?
I suggest you to visit the historical city and learn more about Indian rich heritage.

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

If you Visit Kumaun, Please eat these two fruits - They are really delicious

Kafal and Hissalu are my two favorite fruits from Childhood. These two fruits are tiny in size but taste is too good. Kafal and Hissalu are reap in summer and their peak season is in May to June. If you visited Kumaun hills in summer, i hope you have already saw these fruits. Medically , These fruits are very beneficial for health. Now, If you are planning to visit kumaun hills in next summer, try to taste these fruits.
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Save paper, Save Enviroment - Paperless campaign

When we started the paperless campaign at our company, Our objective was to save the paper to give our little contribution towards saving the trees.
today, Environment is a main concern and if we really not wake up in time, we are going to leave a very bad enviornment to our next generation. We have almosst used the non-renewable source of energy , We are responsible for deforestation all over the world which is really threatening to human existence.

When we started this campaign, it takes some time to convince the team that we are saving the trees and environment not the money then the people realised that it is for a good cause.
Since our campaign started in March,08, we are able to save almost 75000 -A-4 sheets which is equivalent to 9 trees. This is really a small contribution of us towards environment saving.
But We demand more and let us be the part of the revolution and save Water, Electricity , Paper etc to save the envrionment.
Our small efforts will make it big.

Keep reading......................

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Know about VPN ( Virtual Private Network)?

VPN pronounced as separate letter of V, P N and it gives extremely secure connections between private networks linked through the Internet. It allows remote computers to act as though they were on the same secure, local network.
The virtual private network (VPN) technology included in Windows Server 2003 helps enable cost-effective, secure remote access to private networks. VPN allows administrators to take advantage of the Internet to help provide the functionality and security of private WAN connections at a lower cost. In Windows Server 2003, VPN is enabled using the Routing and Remote Access service. VPN is part of a comprehensive network access solution that includes support for authentication and authorization services, and advanced network security technologies.
What is VPN connections and how it is better?
VPN connections use either Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) or Layer Two Tunneling Protocol/Internet Protocol security (L2TP/IPSec) over an intermediate network, such as the Internet. By using the Internet as a connection medium, VPN saves the cost of long-distance phone service and hardware costs associated with using dial-up or leased line connections. A VPN solution includes advanced security technologies such as data encryption, authentication, authorization, and Network Access Quarantine Control.
Using VPN, administrators can connect remote or mobile workers (VPN clients) to private networks. Remote users can work as if their computers are physically connected to the network. To accomplish this, VPN clients can use a Connection Manager profile to initiate a connection to a VPN server. The VPN server can communicate with an Internet Authentication Service (IAS) server to authenticate and authorize a user session and maintain the connection until it is terminated by the VPN client or by the VPN server. All services typically available to a LAN-connected client (including file and print sharing, Web server access, and messaging) are enabled by VPN.
Why we use VPN ?
- If you are at home and want to access your computers at work. You can do it with the VPN Secure connection.
-As VPN is a secure connection, so, there is a minimum possibility of taping it.
-If the VPN client software is installed in your laptop, you can access your company's working at any part of the world.