Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What will happen in 2080? My prediction..............

2080 AD means 72 years ahead from todays and Most probably we will not able to go to this time but If you will able to witness that year..............We will find the entire world will be changed.
My prediction
Weather - Weather will be very hot in europe and American continents and In asian continents it will be freezing cold.
Politics - Asian countries will rule the world and One united world will emerge.
Science - People will start living in Mars and Moon and there will me more option available for human being to make their residence except earth.
Medicine- Medical science will give the new medicine to keep huamn being always in their youth period.
Transportation - Hybrid Cars/ Aeroplanes will be the next future. There will no need of Oil and Oil stock will finish from every country. New AirCar and Air roads will be phased in and people will travel in air only. You will able to reach USA within in 1-3 Hours from India by fast jet planes.
Economy- One united currency will used in entire world.
Fashion- People starts wearing hybrid clothes which needs no ironing, they will keep you cool in Summer and warm in winter. The temperature of clothes will set as per the weather.
Electronics and telecommunication - Computers will everywhere. Every small function of human being will control by computers. Every information will available in your fingertips. Telecommunication will be like that you can be traced everywhere and you will always in the eye of satellite.
Population - The population will decrease in every country.

Let us wish for a great 2080 ahead.
Keep reading.............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi anand,

this is very facinating, I m thrilled and wishing that we r there for feel the changes in 2080.

sunil bhatia