Thursday, June 26, 2008

What is ATM Machine- Histroy begun in 27th June, 1967

When on 27 June, 1967 Barclay Bank installed the ATM machine in London , A lot of pople wtinessed the event. Thanks to De La Rue who win the race installing the ATM machine. This was a revolutionary step in the banking where a concept developed to get their deposited money from a machine without going to bank. This was a remarkable iniatitive taken by Barclay bank by introducing the ATM machine.
But In India, it takes serveral years to introduce the ATM ( Automated Teller Machine) but now we are witnessing the revoluation of these machine comes in our life that We are not going to our back for a single transaction and even some people doesnot know where exactly their bacnk is. Thanks to De La Rue ! Today, The banking are tied up with each other to give the facility to their customer to withdraw their money from any of the bank ATMs.
Have you ever think 10-15 years back that if you want to withdraw your money or deposit the same , you have no need to visit your bank.
Thanks to technology and these great people who made our life so wonderful.

Keep reading........

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