Thursday, May 8, 2008

How to use - Translation facility by GOOGLE INDIA

Google India has launched its translation facility in and the steps to use it are as follows
1- If you translate a paragraph of any language , just type or copy paste in the given text box and chose the langauge conversion option, then click , it will acutomatically translate the paragraph or sentence in your desired language. In the first phase, there can be some errors in the translation but it will give you the sense.
2- There is another option in the website that you can convert the entire website into your desired language. If you want to see in Hindi. Just type the address and convert it into hindi or other hindi website to english.
3- There is another option of dictionary. You can check the meaning of any word by just typing the word into it.

Try it, it is useful.
Keep reading............God bless you with perfect health and spirit.

1 comment:

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