Friday, November 2, 2007

My 10 tips to make this life more beautiful

1- Respect your Parents and Elders because whatever the rites you have imbibe in yourself because of them. Give them respect and don't lose their faith in you.
2- Treat yourself as the best creation of the GOD. GOD has made you so special. So, that remember him and say thanks to him every morning and evening and promise yourself that “GOD! I will make best out of my life.”
3- Love those loves you- Never ignore the people who loves you because at the last, these are the people you can look for.
4- Inspire other people by setting your example.
5- Respect your work and don't show frustration because work is workship.
6- Keep a positive frame of mind because our attitude makes our life. Congratulate yourself if you do good things.
7- Manage your time because GOD has given us limited time so try to use every bit of it.
8- Set the goals for you and put your best effort to achieve them.
9- Never hurt others feelings because when a true soul is being hurt by you intentionally or unitentiaonnally, it curses you.
10- At the last, but not the least, Accept your mistakes and learn from them.

Keep reading , GOD bless you. Spread humanity and kindness to everybody.

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