Monday, August 20, 2007

Softskills and Its Importance

"Soft-skills" refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee and a compatible co-worker. Companies value soft skills because research suggests and experience shows that they can be just as important an indicator of job performance as hard skills.Strong Work Ethic: Whatever the work is given to you, you must do it , not for the sake of other , do it for the sake of GOD and feel that you are doing it for God. Once you imbibe this within you, you never get frustrated from work.Positive Attitude: Attitude is a word whose sum of all the alphabets is 100. So, Positive attitude is a softskills who can bring you out of the box.Good Communication Skills: Good writing and oral communication add many facets to an individual personality.Time Management Abilities: If you utilise your every moment , this indicates the time management.Problem-Solving Skills: To tackle with a problem with cool head is an art. If any problem arises , this is upto you to take it.Acting as a Team Player: Some work can not be done alone. So, team spirit is a softskill which is used to work with other people.Self-Confidence: “ Yes, I can do it” is a phrase who inspire you from the soul.Ability to Accept and Learn From Criticism: Learn from critics and don't get panicked when some one criticise you. Take it positively and think that how they did it for you.Flexibility/Adaptability: Adopting the new changes is always a boon for an individual because some times our rigid nature stop us from many opportunities.Working Well Under Pressure: This is last but not the least softskills for an individual as a personal or professional front. If you can give your best shot under pressure , you can be easily emerge as a winner , winner of life and winner for everything.These are must softskills for an individual to grow in every facets of life. Try to develop these softskills in your life and these will definitely make you a better and better person.

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