Friday, September 5, 2008

Know the History of Tea..........

Just Hold the cup of tea, Say thanks to Shennong.................
Today, Tea is a part of our daily life and our day starts with a cup of tea but we don't aware about the history of this worldly accepted drink who is actually plays a role of enerzier or awakening drink to most of the people.
In 2737 BC, When a chinese emperor Shennong was in a trip of a distant region of his kingdom, they stopped to rest. When his servant boiled water for him to drink accidently some leaves of a wild bush fell into the water and it turned into brownish color and the same was presented to emperor and he liked it. The tea was invented.
In 1600 AD this was spread all over the world and people started to enjoy this drink. Today tea leaves break down into three basic types - Black , Green and Oolong tree. if you want to go the scientific classification of tea , tea plant have the biological name as Camellia sinensis.
Tea is the second highest consumed beverages in the world after water.
In India , the major producer of tea leaves are Assam, West bengal etc. So whenever you drink tea , thanks to Shennog, who really gave a wonderful drink to the world.

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