Tuesday, September 30, 2008

ज़िन्दगी का गीत

" जो रुक गया वो ठहर गया,जो बढता गया वो जीत गया.

जिन्दगी एक गीत हैं, जो गा गया , वो सीख गया जो थक गया वो हार गया.

धुंध कितनी गहरी क्यों न हो,उसे हर हाल में छटना ही हैं,

आये कितने ही बुरे पल वक़्त के हाथो उन्हें भी हारना ही हैं,

तू लड़ जब तक सांस हैं ज़िन्दगी एक ज़ंग हैं, हर हाल मैं जीतना ही हैं.

मत दे कोई साथ तेरा , वो रब तेरे साथ हैं चला चल अकेले इस राह पर, आगे बहुत उजाला हैं.
क्यों परवाह करता हैं राहो के काँटों की,ये भी फूल बन जायेगे,

तू चला था जिस रास्ते, दुनिया उसी रास्ते पर आएगी, आशा और होंसले तेरे ताकत हैं ,

जीतने का जूनून तेरे साथ हैं ,तू हर हाल मैं जीतेगा, इस बात का यकीन कर ,

चल चलाचल उस राह पर ,जहा फिर हर चीज़ हसीं हैं ."

-आनंद मेहरा, 30 सितम्बर

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Explore your wings, Sky has the limits

Human being is the best creation of the god because it has the thinking ability to segragate good or bad. The brain capacity is endless. Every individual on earth has the enormous potential to do the things. The only need is- He/She has to select the right path to grow in the journey of life.
Everyone is extraordinary and has the capabilities to do wonders in their life.
My tips for growing in life are as under-
1- Treat yourself as the best creation of God.
2- Be positive and face every flip-flop of life bravely.
3- Make some Goal for life.
4- Start day dreaming and think big.
5- Be ready to face the challenge of life.
6- Keep yourself motivated.
7- Think that you came alone in the world and you have to perform alone.
8- Create a difference in your activity and try to give your cent percent to every activity.
9- Learn new things everyday.
10- Enjoy life as it comes and see the every happening of life in a childish manner.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who had not done any mistake in their life...........

Yesterday night, My wife told me a story of a king and an accused which she read into a short stories book.
An accused was brought into the court of a king and King was ordered the death sentenance to him then he reqeusted to king that he had a secret knowledge and before accepting the death sentence he wanted to give this knowledge to anybody who did not commit any sin in his lifetime and if any person who had committed any sin its lifetime, he will die next day.

King was agreed and he ordered to their court member but nobody was accept the challenge to learn the knowledge from the accused because they all remembered their sin which they had committed in their life time for any cause.

Even King also thought that how he cheated his father who was king and how he misused the state treasure and done the manipulation.

Then the accused asked the question to the king that if everybody who was present in the court had committed the crime or sin then why he was the only to face the judgement.

King was understood the meaning of the accused and he released the accused.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Every News is important

When We read the newspaper, we always read the headlines and the catchy news. We igonre the small details of short news but these news are very important and can affects our lives.
Keeping this thing in viwe, I have started a blog to aware these kind of news related to any field but very important. You can visit http://unreadnews.blogspot.com which is updating on daily basis and a small effort to aware you all the latest happening all around the world.

Keep reading.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

We are too much depending our lives to gizmos........

Yesterday When I was in office, my cellophone battery had been discharged and my phone went off. Then I recalled that I had to call a relative on a very urgent matter. I was stored their number to my phone and I called them on a regular basis but I have never remembered their phone number as I always thought that this is in my phone. I could not able to made this call entire day and when I reached at home, I recharged the battery and then only I made the call.
Why I am citing this example here -
- We are not utilising our brain power.
- We are depending on these gizmos.
- Somewhere we are losing the learning capacity of our brain.

Do some simple exercise to increase the memory power-
1- Count the table of 1 to 20 at any time of the day.
2- Rotate your hands on different directions.
3- Do meditation.
4- Try to learn all the important phone number, Bank accounts number, Credit card number etc.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Update your General Knowledge Time to time

Last Sunday, One student of a lower class came to me and asked some questions. Surprisingly, I was not able to answer some simple question of this student because After the school, I did not try to go through the books.
I can happen with anybody at any time. My suggestions are as follows-
- Whenever you get some spare time, increase your GK.
-Whatever comes your underway anything informative, try to read it.
- Any piece of information can increase your knowledge.
- Knowledge is an endless journey and make a thirst for it.
- Try to read the current affairs , develop a habit of newspaper reading, Journals , Magazines etc.
Knowledge always keeps you tall ....
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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Know some personal facts of Barack Obama- The next would be president of USA.

This democratic leader was born on August 4, 1961 to Barack Obama Sr. A Kenyan and Ann Dunham , An American in Honolulu, Hawaii.

He did his primary schooling till 10 years old in Indonesia and then moved to Honolulu and continued his studies.

He did his graduation from Columbia University in 1983.

Obama is a basket ball player too.

Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in the year 1996.

Obama met his wife, Michelle Robinson in June 1989 when he was employed as a summer associate at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin.His better half was his senior in his first office where he did his first job.

He Married with Michelle in 1992 and has two daughters, Maila Ann and Natasha. He is an Attorney by profession.

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Friday, September 5, 2008

Know the History of Tea..........

Just Hold the cup of tea, Say thanks to Shennong.................
Today, Tea is a part of our daily life and our day starts with a cup of tea but we don't aware about the history of this worldly accepted drink who is actually plays a role of enerzier or awakening drink to most of the people.
In 2737 BC, When a chinese emperor Shennong was in a trip of a distant region of his kingdom, they stopped to rest. When his servant boiled water for him to drink accidently some leaves of a wild bush fell into the water and it turned into brownish color and the same was presented to emperor and he liked it. The tea was invented.
In 1600 AD this was spread all over the world and people started to enjoy this drink. Today tea leaves break down into three basic types - Black , Green and Oolong tree. if you want to go the scientific classification of tea , tea plant have the biological name as Camellia sinensis.
Tea is the second highest consumed beverages in the world after water.
In India , the major producer of tea leaves are Assam, West bengal etc. So whenever you drink tea , thanks to Shennog, who really gave a wonderful drink to the world.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Some real time photos taken on Delhi road

The first photo was taken at Saket, Delhi one of the posh area of delhi where a woma riding a rickshaw. Second photo was taken inside a DTC low floor CNG bus where passengers were packed and the third photo was also taken from Pushp Vihar, Saket where people were listening radio.

The reason of including these three photos is - If our capital is like this , what can we expect from other areas?????????????????????????????

Think and keep reading.....

Do you know the history of Email?

Email or Electronic mail change the entire system of written communcation throughout the world and Today, there are billion of Billions email sent and receieved in the world.
Today, you can send the email in fraction of second from one part of world to another part.

Thanks to Mr. Ray Tomlinson , An Engineer of USA 1971 able to sent the first email to his local network and he was the first person who introduced the sign @ with the email denoting the computer name after the @ sign.
Now hold your breath - The first email was sent between two terminals which was kept aside and ARPANET netwok was used to commincate between these two computers and the first email message was sent to another was " QWERTYUIOP"
This email facilities was limited till 1988.

The big change occured in the field of Email when Steve Dorner writtten the first email client as Eudora and now , the rest is history.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Do you know about the Firmware & Spyware?

As a computer user, we all know about the Hardware and Software. The physical and tangible components of a computer are called Hardware i.e Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, CPU etc. and Software are the instructions or program according to which the hardware do functions.

But usually we are not aware about the Firmware and spyware.
Firmware are the combination of Hardware and software. Computer chips that have data or programs recorded on them are Firmware. Some examples of Firmware are ROM, PROM and EPROM.

Spyware is basically a computer software which is installed on a personal computer in intercept or take the patial control over the user's interaction with the machine without the user knowledge.

If a spyware is installed in your computer, the user activities like surfing habits, websites visited can be tracked without the user knowledge. Spyware can change the computer setting and can stop the internet or slow down its speed.

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Key dates of Microsoft Corporation ?

When in 1975 , the two brillant brain were met , Nobody was aware that How much the influential will be created by these two genius in the world of computer. Rest is history. Today, in this computer era, Bill Gates and Microsoft are the synonym of the computer.

January 1, 1975 , Bill Gates and Paul Allen developed the programming language " BASIC".

November 26, 1976 was the day when Trade name " Microsoft" is registered with the office of Secretary of State of new Mexico.

February 3rd, 1977 Paul Allen and Bill Gates made an official partnerhsip agreement.

June 25, 1981- Bill Gates Became the Chairman of Microsoft.

November 10, 1983- Microsoft launch the Microsoft Windows- Graphical user interface.

November 20, 1985 - Microsoft launch the retail version of Micosoft windows.

August 1, 1988- Microsoft announces Office - The first general business software for Macintosh systems.

May 20, 1991- Microsoft introduced the Microsoft Visual BASIC.

May 24, 1993 - Microsoft launched the Windows NT O/S.

August 24, 1995 - Windows 95 Available worldwide.

March 18, 1999- Internet Explorer 5.0 Was introduced by the Microsoft.

June 7, 1999- Microsoft launched the Microsoft Office -2000.

Oct 25, 2001- Microsoft Windows XP was released worldwide.

Whenever we use the Windows, MS-Office, Internet Explorer, Visual Basic- Please say thanks to these guys. They really made computing so simple and user friendly.

Keep reading...........

Monday, September 1, 2008

Top Ten Indian Corporates Rich People as per their compesation

Who Don't want to earn money? We all are doing the same at our level. Now Indian corporates directors are earning a lot of bucks.
The Top ten are -
1- Mukesh Ambani ( Reliances Industries) earned 44.02 Crores in FY-08.
2- Anil Ambani ( ADAG) cashed 43.24 Crores in FY-08.
3-Kalanthi Maran ( Sun TV Network) compsensated 32.41 Crores in 2008.
4- Kavery Kalanithi ( Sun TV Netwrok) cashed 32.41 Crores in FY08.
5- PRR Rajha ( Madras Cement) bagged 32.4 Crores in his account for FY-08.
6- Malvidner Singh ( Ranbaxy Labs) earned 19.58 Crores in FY 08.
7- Sunil Mittal Bharti ( Bharti Airtel ) compensation was 19.55 Crores in FY-2008.
8- Sajjan Jindal ( JSW Steel) earned 16.73 Crores in FY-08.
9- Onkar S Kanwar of Appolo Tyres compensation is 15.53 in FY-08.
10- E Shudhir Reddy of IVRCL Infrastructure cashed 15.07 Crores in FY-08.

These are the biggies of Indian economy and In the year 2009, the list will goes up and Up.
Thanks to these people, who contibuted a lot to indian economy.
( Excerpts taken from Economics Times, 1st September,2008)

Keep reading.