Saturday, May 31, 2008

Republic Nepal- A new era has begun for this beautiful country

29th May, 2008 is a historical day for the himalayan country - Nepal when they celebrated the First day as a republic. This was the result of ending of a 240 Years old monarchy in the nation.

King Gyanendra now become a common citizen of Nepal. The king palace Narayanhiti is now planned to convert in a museum.

But now this beautiful himalyan nation has to do a lot of work. They have to go for a long run and decide the future of the nepalese.

Welcome Nepal ! Now you will be responsibile for your future.

God bless you.

Friday, May 30, 2008

What is the perfect age for career planning?

Career planning is an important decision for any individual and it decide the path for you in your professional arena. This is always a big question to everyone that What should be the ideal age for career planning?

In my opinion and my experience in life insist me that there is no age bar for career planning. Whenever you feel that you are sailing into a wrong boat or you are not taking the interest in your current profession or you are not able to give your cent percent to the current profile or profession, This is the best time to look within yourself and do you SWOT analysis ( Strength-Weakness-Opportunities- Threat analysis) and then decide in which direction you want to take your life.

Age not restricted to you to do your career planning. KFC founder started his business after 60 and today what a success he has.
There are many people who initially started there career in a wrong direction and once they feel that they are not following their intution they shift their gear and change it and chose the right path to take their career in new heights.

An individual is the best judge of himself/herself and he /she knows the strength and weakness of their own. The world has so many opportunities and it requires only a brave move and beleiveing yourself.
Once again, I want to state my quote that " Explore your wings, sky has the limit."
My dear readers, It is not too late. Plan your career in a better direction where you control everything.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Phoenix has sent the Pictures of Mars. What will you say " There is life"?

These are some pictures which Phoenix has sent to NASA. I have taken these photos from Arizona site and these are the latest updation for you.
Now Wait and watch , What are the other surprises this mission has stored.
But Mars is always attract the human being for thousand and
thousands of years and we always say in our common language " Are you came from Mars?" Who knows, there is life and there are people like us or may be possible that they are far superior than us.
Keep your finger crossed and let the Phoenix will do the work. Really this is a great contribution to our society to investigate the reality of Mars Akka " Mangal grah" .
Thanks to NASA, Thanks to USA and all the great scientists who are really working hard on this mission.
Keep reading

Monday, May 26, 2008

Phoenix Mars mission- Wait and watch for any life possibilities on Mars.

25th May, 2008 is a milestone day in the history of NASA when the Phoenix tocuhed the Mars ground scucessfully.
Radio signals received at 4:53:44 p.m. Pacific Time (7:53:44 p.m. Eastern Time) confirmed the Phoenix Mars Lander had survived its difficult final descent and touchdown 15 minutes earlier. Phoenix reached after nine months on the Mars at the speed of 20,000 KmPH. It was launched on 4th August,2007.
Now, This machine will work on Mars for three months and will send the photographs and collect the soil and other things for investigation.
"Mars" always creates the curiosity among scientists and common people and there are numbers of science fictions and stories based on the livings of Mars.
Now It is testing time and let us hope that Mars has the livings.
Keep your fingers crossed and wait for the photographs from Mars.
Keep reading .............

Saturday, May 24, 2008

What is next after 10+2 ?

CBSE board declared the 10+2 results on Friday and many states are ready with their results. Now the real trauma and dilemma starts for all these youngs. Now they are in the verge of selecting their career. Till school, they are free from all the things, but now it is the time to select a path where they can prove their mettle.
Thanks to this 21st Century, where only Medical and engineering are not the only choices there are numbers of other courses which can be very lucrative. Those who want to make their career in Medical or Engineering, best of luck for them but who can not make it they have may other options like Aviation, Hospitality, Media, Software / Hardware, NGO, Writing, Politics, sports, Internet, BPO, KPO, Govt services etc where they can materlise their abilities to their far extent.

This is the time where parents or young one can decide that Which direction they want to go.
Suggestion to parents- Don't push your young one to a direction in which he /she is not interested. Try to find out the interest of the young one and guide them to achieve the bigger milestone in their life.

Suggestion to young one- Take some time to decide to chose your career and analyse your strength. Don't go by the other opinion. Follow your instinct and convince your parents.

At last, I want to conclude my article with the quote ," Explore your wings, sky has the limit."

Keep reading......................

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Live your day like a full life.............Make best out of it

Yesterday was gone and Tommorrow will never come in once life. The only things is - Today. So, Living in today is the best policy to live the life in its fullest. Treat everyday like a new life given by Kind GOD and extract the best out of it.

Treat the morning as your childhood. Grown up in the afternoon, show your maturity in the evening and at night, relax and recall your whole day and remember good things to make you happy and analyse the bad things, plan to eliminate them in next day.
Every day has the four phases as life has. Try to utilise the whole day in a productive manner and try to spent quality times whatever you do in the day. Try to bring smile on another faces.
We are human because God loves us so deeply, that is the reason He has given one chance to prove our worth and make him proud.
Flip-Flop is a part of life and accept it and beleive that everything will be fine at the end of the day.
I remember one quote , I have read in my school days that " Whatever we are today, because of our yesterday and whatever we will be in future just because of today. Now it depends on us how we utilise our today."

Say " cheers" to life and enjoy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Best work places – A survey conducted by The Economics Times
The Economic Times have published a report on Great places to work-2008. If you are not able to read it , here is the details for you. By industry wise , the best workplaces where working is a fun and personnel did not get frustrated to go to office on Monday morning.

Sector Best company
Biotech/Pharma – Dr. Reddy's lab
Construction/ Real state – HiLti India
Healthcare – Quintiles India
Hospitality – Marrior Hotel
Telecommunication- Qualcomm India
Transportation – Federal Express Corporation
Media – Network 18 Media and Investments
Manufacturing – Classic Stripes (P) Ltd
IT-Software – CSC
Professional services – Aditya Birla Management Corporation
Financial Services & Insurance -American Express

So, If you are thinking to join a company or switching from your current company. Explore the current opening in above companies and send your resume to them. God knows if you can be the part of these companies.

Good luck and nurture your career in a better way.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Is Blogging a serious business? Yes! It is.

Answer is -YES. Blog is actually a platform to express your views, opionins and experiences which you want to share with other for any reason.
Blogging is now becomes a serious business on the net and may top guns are maintining their blog. The recent example of Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan blog attracts the people and make some controversy.

Blog can earn a handsome amount too. There are numbers of ways you can earn the money thorugh your blog. The more reach the more chances to earn. There are some companies which are providing the advertising facilities to you blog as per the nature of the blog contents. Google adsense is one of the popular service which Google is providing to many millions blogger across the globe. Try to make your blog unique and concentrate only one subject i.e Travel blog, technology blog , Story blog, life experience blog etc.

Tips to start a blog-
-Think a subject which you have a expertise or have lot of information.
- Start your blog through or
- Send the application to Google adsense.
-Once they approve the application, the automatic crawling of ads will appear in your blog.
- Update your blog regularly and start to make it popular.

So, my dear readers- It is not too late. Start blogging and earn some extra money.

God bless you.

What happened with your appraisal ?

April is month when all employees are looking forward for their appaisal and start day dreaming for a good salary hike and promotion and when it comes to end and start of may, most of the people got the peanuts and we felt frustrted and we start taunting to managment and bosses. This happen and this is a crucial of our professional life.
I must congratulate all of the people who got above than 30% hike and my good luck for those who are in between 20 to 30. My good wishes are with them who only made it possible to 10 to 20% and my real sympathy with those employee who could not make to possible to cross the barrier of 10%.

But till date, you all have the increased salary in your account and most of the people spent the increased salary too.
But this is professional life and whatever comes your way , accept it and do the hardwork once again. Bole to, Bapu ne kaha hain.................................Rest of the things you can easily understand.
Try to organise yourself, set your target and hit it hard.
May GOD will pave the success life for you.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ten Golden rule to make a business process standardize and fool proof.

Business process standardisation and simplification reduce the cost of operation as well as the efficiency of the employee. It is necessary in todays competitive world to make the business process at par with the industry standard and to make it so simple and friendly to process it faster and faster. There are ten golden rule which needs to be checked in any business process and if it is there, these should be removed.
1-Bureaucracy elimination-Reducing the unnecesary paper works , Authorisation etc.
2-Duplication elimination - Reducing the repeating exercise
3-Simplification -Simplifying the process.
4-Process cycle time reduction-Reducing the cycle time
5-Error proofing -To make it pokayoke
6-Upgrading - Simple language Understandable by all
7-Standardization -Standardization of a process.
8-Supplier partnership-Best input gives the best output.
9-Big picture improvement -Drastically changing the process. To select a different route
10-Automation / Mechanism -Automation of manual work through computerisation

Apply these rules to make your business process better and best.
Keep reading............

Thursday, May 8, 2008

How to use - Translation facility by GOOGLE INDIA

Google India has launched its translation facility in and the steps to use it are as follows
1- If you translate a paragraph of any language , just type or copy paste in the given text box and chose the langauge conversion option, then click , it will acutomatically translate the paragraph or sentence in your desired language. In the first phase, there can be some errors in the translation but it will give you the sense.
2- There is another option in the website that you can convert the entire website into your desired language. If you want to see in Hindi. Just type the address and convert it into hindi or other hindi website to english.
3- There is another option of dictionary. You can check the meaning of any word by just typing the word into it.

Try it, it is useful.
Keep reading............God bless you with perfect health and spirit.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Google set new milestone by giving the traslating facility in their search engine

Technology don't discriminate. Google proved it by giving it value addition service of translating the script into one langauage to another. You write in hindi or write in english and then translate it into your favorable language.
For the same, you can visit and you can convert your script as desire in your language - Hindi or english. In India, This is a very useful tool where only around 13% people feel comfortable in reading in english and if this facility works, A huge mass will be benefited.
Google once again proved that how innovative the team they had.
Well done, Googlians, Thanks to give this tool.

Keep reading......................

Monday, May 5, 2008

Ajay Devgan's film "U, Me aur Hum" is based on Alzheimer disease

Review of Ajay Devgan's film “ U, Me Aur Hum.”
On 4th May, I went to See the movie “U, Me aur Hum” starred Ajay Devgan and Kajol. This is a film based on “Alzheimer” disease. This is a realy good film and Ajay devagan showed their real mettle in his directoral debut in this film. He had given a clear message to the society that If a person suffered from any disease, it does not mean that you separated him/her from the family and sent them to asylum. This time these people really want to get the love and support from their kins. Alzheimer is a disease in brain disorder named after German Physician Alois Alzheimer who dirst written about this disease in 1906. In this disease, the affected person is lose the control in their memory and start forgetting the things slowly even the common things like name, address , his/her past etc.
In this film Ajay Devgan played the role of the Dr. Mehra whose wife (Role played by Kajol) is affected by the disease.
The whole film starts with in a ligther mode but slowly it raise the serious issue.
This film is a must watch film and I recommend you all to see the movie and in a 10 scale, I give 7 marks to this film.
Keep reading..........God bless you.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

New BRT system Introduced in Delhi- Initial hiccups

Bus Rapid Transition system introduced in Delhi from 1st May,08. These photographs were actually taken on 2nd May,08 at 9:20 AM and there was a chaos at Ambedkar Nagar, SOuth delhi where the route starts. New bus stands at par with international standards are adding some beautiful scene on the road but the real problem is the narrow street for Buses.

Now every time, there is a jam in entire route.

10 tips to make you happy and give your life a new direction

1-Don’t get emotional in little things and accept that this is the part of life.
2-Think like that every happening is happening because of the desire of the GOD and you have to see and face it.
3-Enjoy your work whether it is good or bad. Don’t show frustration in work. Work is worship and always gives respect to your work.
4-Set you priority in work and don’ leave the work on tomorrow.
5-Try to keep your head cool and calm.
6-Don’t’ ashamed on right doing. -Treat everyday is special day and try to make it memorable. -You are unique and no body can replace you. GOD made you for a special purpose.
7- Try to enjoy every bit of time because every gone second of time counts from your life. -Behave properly and give respect to everyone whether he is elder or younger.
8-I am the best creation of the God and he gave me all the powers to do my work well.
9- Life is full of possibilities and you have to take the advantage of every opportunity comes in your life. Those, who not able to take the advantage of opportunity they always remain behind in the race of life. "Whenever you are in depression just close your eyes and just remember your parents and their sacrifice.
10-You are not alone here and you are not living for you only. There are so many peoples behind you and they all have influence your life directly or indirectly . It means you have no right to waste your life as easy as you think. What will happen for those dreams, which these peoples see for you? There is nothing impossible and difficult in this world but you should have a clear vision for it and you should know your target. Go slowly and steady but u can win the race. This type of positive attitude set a mind and then mind energize whole body and u can be ready to take off." So, it is not important sometimes that if you are not getting according to your expectation that you are in tense. Keep patience and one day you will be in the threshold of your happiness. Then you will realize that what is the taste of success? It is will work like nectar for you. So go ahead and enjoy every bit of life.
TIPS TO MAKE YOU STRONG- When you go to your bed at night, try to mesmerize that every day you are becoming better and better and feel the change at the morning. Your unconscious mind fills your whole body a special kind of positive energy, which gives you a direction in your life.
Be happy and cheer for everything.

Friday, May 2, 2008

How many years & hours we live , if we live for 60 years.

Let us suppose , a man /woman lived for 60 years then the followings are the details of your life itinerary in mathematical terms- Total days = 21900 days in 60 years
Total hours= 525600 Hours in 60 Years
Hours spent unusable Initial 5 years as child Total days= 1825 Days
Total hours = 43800 Hours
Then 15 Years of schooling or college Total days = 5475 Days Total hours = 131400 Hours
8 hours of sleeping in next 40 Years Total hours = 116800 Hours
8 hours of working in next 40 years Total hours = 116800 Hours
2 Hours in wasteful things in next 40 years Total Hours =29200 Hours
Total hours we spent on other things Total hours= 438000 Hours
The total hours for ourselves
Total Hours – our spent hours = 525600 ( in 60 Years) – 438000 ( In 60 Years)
Total hours = 87600 Hours
Total days = 3650 Days
Total years = 10 Years
Conclusion – We live only 10 years for ourselves and rest of the 50 years we have to spent on other things. So, enjoy every moment of life as it comes. So, my dear friends , every day is very – every important. We only live for 10 years for ourselves.
This is life. So enjoy every second of life.
I will be back with some another topic

What is CRM and HACCP?

CRM is the abbreviation of customer relationship Management. Peter Keen, the well-known author who penned down some very good books like Shaping the Future (1991) and The Process Edge (1997) define the CRM as follows- “Customer relationship management is the commitment of the company to place the customer experience at the center of its priorities, and to ensure that incentive systems, processes and information resources leverage the relationship by enhancing the experience”. “In terms of technology CRM is the design, communication and use of information to ensure that customer develop more and more confidence, trust and sense of personal value in their relationship with the company.” A devoted company who really want to enter in the CRM realm have the following characteristics- He should have the proper listing of their profitable customers, keep abreast with the strategy to retain the customer, there should be a customer oriented system.

HACCP stands for Hazards Analysis Critical Control Point. HACCP is a method of ensuring food safety by examining every step in a food operation, identifying the steps that are critical to food safety and implementing effective control and monitoring procedures. HACCP System fulfills the need for food safety. HACCP are actually the standards for making our eatable safe and risk free. This also ensures a management commitment for ensuring food safety. These are some set guidelines to ensure the food safety. Every firm/ organization involved in making eatables related to food should comply with the HACCP to give the best product to their customers. In these guidelines, every enterprise strictly monitor its every critical step or activity which can affect the quality of the eatables and there are some process by which they are giving the best eatables.

Thanks for reading and I will be back.