Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Respect your email inbox

Email is an efficient communication tool. But managing the email inbox be challenging at times. Followings are the lists of four email management tips to help you reduce inbox congestion and frustration:
A. Take immediate action when you receive an email. Whenever you open an email, resolve to take one of the following four actions:
1. Delete/Archive: If the email requires no action, then either delete it or archive it
2. Reply: If you can quickly respond to the email, do it so you can delete or archive the
3. Forward: If there's a more appropriate person to respond to the email, forward it on to
b) If you're returning to your inbox after a few days away, try sorting your inbox by sender to identify chains of emails from the same people and to respond to the most current email in each chain.
C) . Respect other people's inboxes.
●Don't CC people unnecessarily.
●Don’t reply to all if the reply is only relevant to one or two of the people on the email.
●Make it easy for recipients to act on your emails by using subject lines that are descriptive and specific like "FYI:," "Reminder:", "Urgent:" and "Action Needed:" to help recipients quickly understand if action is needed and if so, how quickly.
●If you know that a coworker is out of town, don't send them email. Instead, save those emails as drafts and set a reminder to send them once the person returns.
D) . Organize your inbox.
●Set up rules in Outlook so that emails that you get regularly from a particular sender (such as newsletters and alerts) are automatically routed to a particular folder .Set up multiple folders to help sort and archive the emails you want to keep.
● Set your email program to check for new messages once every half-hour (or whatever time interval works for you). Email can be interruptive, so give yourself time to focus on other tasks.
● Keep your anti-virus and anti-spyware software up to date to avoid becoming part of a botnet
E) Actively manage your email newsletter subscriptions.
●Ensure that your newsletters are delivered to you by adding the "from" address to your address book or safe sender list.
Thanks for doing your part to help make email work better for everyone.
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