Monday, June 7, 2010

Back with Bang............

Sorry readers,

I am away from this blog for almost 2 years. But now I am back to this blog and I will keep new post in this blog again.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

ज़िन्दगी का गीत

" जो रुक गया वो ठहर गया,जो बढता गया वो जीत गया.

जिन्दगी एक गीत हैं, जो गा गया , वो सीख गया जो थक गया वो हार गया.

धुंध कितनी गहरी क्यों न हो,उसे हर हाल में छटना ही हैं,

आये कितने ही बुरे पल वक़्त के हाथो उन्हें भी हारना ही हैं,

तू लड़ जब तक सांस हैं ज़िन्दगी एक ज़ंग हैं, हर हाल मैं जीतना ही हैं.

मत दे कोई साथ तेरा , वो रब तेरे साथ हैं चला चल अकेले इस राह पर, आगे बहुत उजाला हैं.
क्यों परवाह करता हैं राहो के काँटों की,ये भी फूल बन जायेगे,

तू चला था जिस रास्ते, दुनिया उसी रास्ते पर आएगी, आशा और होंसले तेरे ताकत हैं ,

जीतने का जूनून तेरे साथ हैं ,तू हर हाल मैं जीतेगा, इस बात का यकीन कर ,

चल चलाचल उस राह पर ,जहा फिर हर चीज़ हसीं हैं ."

-आनंद मेहरा, 30 सितम्बर

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Explore your wings, Sky has the limits

Human being is the best creation of the god because it has the thinking ability to segragate good or bad. The brain capacity is endless. Every individual on earth has the enormous potential to do the things. The only need is- He/She has to select the right path to grow in the journey of life.
Everyone is extraordinary and has the capabilities to do wonders in their life.
My tips for growing in life are as under-
1- Treat yourself as the best creation of God.
2- Be positive and face every flip-flop of life bravely.
3- Make some Goal for life.
4- Start day dreaming and think big.
5- Be ready to face the challenge of life.
6- Keep yourself motivated.
7- Think that you came alone in the world and you have to perform alone.
8- Create a difference in your activity and try to give your cent percent to every activity.
9- Learn new things everyday.
10- Enjoy life as it comes and see the every happening of life in a childish manner.
Keep reading.......

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who had not done any mistake in their life...........

Yesterday night, My wife told me a story of a king and an accused which she read into a short stories book.
An accused was brought into the court of a king and King was ordered the death sentenance to him then he reqeusted to king that he had a secret knowledge and before accepting the death sentence he wanted to give this knowledge to anybody who did not commit any sin in his lifetime and if any person who had committed any sin its lifetime, he will die next day.

King was agreed and he ordered to their court member but nobody was accept the challenge to learn the knowledge from the accused because they all remembered their sin which they had committed in their life time for any cause.

Even King also thought that how he cheated his father who was king and how he misused the state treasure and done the manipulation.

Then the accused asked the question to the king that if everybody who was present in the court had committed the crime or sin then why he was the only to face the judgement.

King was understood the meaning of the accused and he released the accused.
Keep reading..............

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Every News is important

When We read the newspaper, we always read the headlines and the catchy news. We igonre the small details of short news but these news are very important and can affects our lives.
Keeping this thing in viwe, I have started a blog to aware these kind of news related to any field but very important. You can visit which is updating on daily basis and a small effort to aware you all the latest happening all around the world.

Keep reading.